Chọn trang

Other services concern with time attendance devices

Service maintenance, repair, consulting and installation time attendance system
  • Setting up software 
  • Reset lost password
  • Replace sensor Thay thế mắt đọc / màng bọc mắt đọc
  • Replace mainboard / core board Thay thế mainboard / coreboard
  • Fix Lan cardSửa LANcard
  • Fix wrong time on devices 
  • Integrated with other software Tích hợp thiết bị với phần mềm chấm công tính lương
  • Provide user guide Cung cấp tài liệu hướng dẫn sử dụng
  • Provide adapter / ups Cung cấp adapter/ bộ lưu điện
  • Periodically checking data
  • and other services


Ronald Jack, Wise eyes
  • Setting up software 
  • Reset lost password
  • Replace sensor
  • Integrated with other software
  • Provide user guide 
  • Provide adapter / ups 
  • Periodically checking data
  • Setting up software 
  • Reset lost password
  • Replace sensor
  • Integrated with other software
  • Provide user guide 
  • Provide adapter / ups 
  • Periodically checking data
and other brands

Maintenance time attendance devices – access controller services, provide and replaces accessories

The investment for a perfect timekeeping solution includes not only the cost of purchasing equipment and software. The operating costs of attendance solutions arising from the following :

  • Working periodic maintenance (equipment and software) to no incident
  • Training using the new worker (occurs when there are changes in personnel)
  • Dealing with incidents with equipment, such as electric shock, fire, lightning
  • Dealing with the problem of software, such as viruses, reinstall the operating system
  • Costs incurred while waiting for handling incidents: striking workers, production delays, department managers take time to do the report by hand …
Here is the maintenance service . With technical staff enthusiastic, dedicated, friendly, we will respond quickly to requests from customers regarding:
  • Periodic maintenance of the system, remove junk data to computer run faster
  • Periodically check the system and the final report on quality systems and forecasting errors can occur
  • Periodically test data to ensure data is backed up fully and accurately process
  • Upgrade timekeeping software – Payroll latest version
  • Training using hardware, software, a maintenance system for new employees
  • Purchasing the old machines, Change new machine
  • Supply of spare parts
  • Troubleshooting take place, with similar equipment to be used temporarily
  • Providing integrated solutions with new software, integrated solutions many different types of machines
    Provides data integration solutions across multiple affiliates…

Some brand can used maintenance services 

  • AbriVISION – Singapore
  • Granding – China
  • Ronald Jack – China
  • Suprema – Korea
  • TimeTrex – Canada
  • Vigilance – Malaysia
  • Virdi – Korea
  • Wise eye – China
  • … and other brands
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