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Introduction access controller solutions

Access Control solutions is the là access control system used for door or passageway through fingerprint authentication, proximity card, password … in the identification device. Access controller system can be used independently or combine with another system.

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hệ thống kiểm soát ra vào đơn giản cho văn phòng

Basic access controller system used for office

  • Controlling and monitoring go in-out through door/area for employees. Ensuring the security and safety of people and property.
  • Grant and set time for go in-out throught door/area.
  • Warning of the impact of illegal ( smashed doors, unlawful interference).
  • Combined data for making timekeeping .


so do lap dat BSC2600

Access controller system user for control center and building

  • Managing go in-out and working time of employees.
  • Ensuring the security and safety of people and property.If the loss can occur based on the data out the door to prosecution.
  • Trespassing detection, alarm in case of an emergency to help people know the earliest to take action promptly. (Fire, explosion, vandalism, …)
  • Using timekeeping for saving cost.
  • Make the office more beautiful and modern.

The common function of access controller system

Concerning control requirements should focus on security and safety. Each request should be the most appropriate solution. This is some common requests:

  • Limit amount of employee and time for go in-out through door.
  • Warning of the impact of illegal ( smashed doors, unlawful interference).
  • Notify when door open too long, door are opening, closed by the bell.
  • Integrated with fire alarm system, camera system…
  • Integrated with remote control, online mornitoring.
  • Combined data for making timekeeping

Access Controller Model

he thong kiem soat ra vao abrivision

Consulting desgin access controller system

  • Access controller system by using proximity card for school (Over 50 class room, library and teacher room).
  • Integrated with library system, borrowing book management
  • Our cusomter have used this system is: EASTERN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (EIU) owner by Becamex IDC
  • Contact Us