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Intelligence – Albert Einstein once said, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with the problems longer.” Invest the time in sharing your insight and experiences.


Nurture – Give your time without expecting or asking for anything in return.


Sincerity– Say what you believe, and believe what you say. This is the basis for authenticity, on which trust and loyal relationships are founded.


Personalize – Be humble, share funny or heartwarming stories about yourself.


Interest– Find a common interest or belief. Passion will automatically exude from you – again, authenticity.


Relevant– If content is king, then context is God. Context will help your acquaintance rationalize their feeling of trusting you.


Engage – When speaking with someone, always look the person in the eye. This sounds minor but will reinforce your sincerity, interest and 100% commitment to building trust.

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